Order Insight

API Introduction

This API will enable Chargeback Gurus to receive order details directly from your systems to process chargeback cases as well as present credit/debit card issuers (collectively identified as issuers) with order details to assist with the deflection of chargebacks. OI provides merchants the ability to share transaction details with the issuer for charges that are questioned by the cardholder. This information is then used by the issuer in their communication with the cardholder to resolve the customer's needs without initiating a chargeback.


OI provides merchants the ability to share transaction details with the issuer for charges that are disputed by the cardholder. This information is then used by the issuer in their communication with the cardholder to resolve the customer's needs without initiating a chargeback.


For Webhook: Bearer Pass JWT token as Authorization parameter. JWT token should be signed by secret key which will be provided by Chargeback Gurus.

Rules for the JWT token are as follows:

  • JWT ID should not be the same within 360 seconds
  • JWT issue date should not be more than 60 seconds in future
  • JWT issue date should not be more than 300 seconds in past
  • JWT lifetime should not be more that 300 seconds

For notification: Basic auth with username and password


Sample Body: [ { "communications": "string", "creditReimbursements": [ { "creditAmount": 0, "creditReference": "string", "creditReimbursementDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z", "creditReimbursementMethod": "string", "id": "string", "voucherAmount": 0, "voucherDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z", "voucherDetails": "string", "voucherExpirationDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z", "voucherReference": "string" } ], "currency": "string", "deliveries": [ { "digitalDelivery": { "digitalDeliveryDateTime": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z", "digitalDeliveryIpAddress": "string", "digitalDeliveryNotificationMessageDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z", "digitalDeliveryNotificationMessageSent": true, "digitalDeliveryNotificationMethod": "string", "downloadCompletionDateTime": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z", "downloadStartDateTime": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z" }, "id": "string", "physicalDelivery": { "addressVerificationForShipping": true, "billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress": true, "customerPickup": true, "dateDelivered": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z", "dateShipped": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z", "deliveryProvider": "string", "deliveryService": "string", "deliveryStatus": "Not_Shipped", "descriptionOfOtherStatus": "string", "idVerificationAtPickupLocation": "string", "idVerifiedAtPickupLocation": true, "nameOfSigner": { "firstname": "string", "lastname": "string", "middlename": "string", "salutation": "string", "suffix": "string" }, "numberOfItemsDelivered": "string", "packingSlipContents": "string", "pickupAddressLocation": { "address1": "string", "address2": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string", "latitude": "string", "longitude": "string", "state": "string", "zip": "string" }, "pickupDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z", "proofOfDeliverySigned": true, "proofOfDeliverySignedBy": "string", "reasonForPickup": "string", "shippingAddress": { "address1": "string", "address2": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string", "latitude": "string", "longitude": "string", "state": "string", "zip": "string" }, "shippingName": { "firstname": "string", "lastname": "string", "middlename": "string", "salutation": "string", "suffix": "string" }, "signatureRequiredForDelivery": true, "specialShippingInstructions": "string", "trackingNumber": "string" } } ], "discounts": [ { "amount": 0, "description": "string", "id": "string" } ], "invoiceNumber": "string", "loyalty": [ { "addressRegistered": { "address1": "string", "address2": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string", "latitude": "string", "longitude": "string", "state": "string", "zip": "string" }, "id": "string", "nameRegistered": { "firstname": "string", "lastname": "string", "middlename": "string", "salutation": "string", "suffix": "string" }, "numberRegistered": "string", "programName": "string" } ], /* Mandatory */ "orderDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z", "orderEmail": "string", "orderId": "string", "orderItems": [ { "artistSeller": "string", "conditionOfGoods": "string", "creditReimbursementReferenceId": "string", 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"subscriptionDisputeDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z", "subscriptionDisputed": true, "subscriptionDuration": "string", "subscriptionExpirationDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z", "subscriptionFirstPayment": 0, "subscriptionFirstPaymentDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z", "subscriptionFirstPaymentDisputed": true, "subscriptionInterval": "string", "subscriptionIntervalUnit": "Day", "subscriptionNextBillingDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z", "subscriptionPrice": 0, "subscriptionStartDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z", "subscriptionStatus": "Not_Started", "trialActivationDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z", "trialEndDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z", "trialInterval": "string", "trialIntervalUnit": "Day", "trialPeriod": true, "trialPrice": 0, "trialStartDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.344Z", "trialStatus": "Not_Started" }, "refundReferenceId": "string", "reservationReferenceId": "string", "usage": { "consumptionDescription": "string", "consumptionMethod": "string", "lastUtilizationDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.344Z", "productInUse": true, "totalUsage": 0 } } ], "orderPhone": "string", "orderRecipientName": { "firstname": "string", "lastname": "string", "middlename": "string", "salutation": "string", "suffix": "string" }, "orderStatus": "Open_Pending", "orderStatusOther": "string", /* Atleast one payment object required */ "payments": [ { "arn": "string", "authorizationCode": "string", "authorizationDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.344Z", "avsMatch": "string", "bankCardPaymentMethod": "string", "billingAddress": { "address1": "string", "address2": "string", "city": "string", "country": "string", "latitude": "string", "longitude": "string", "state": "string", "zip": "string" }, "billingName": { "firstname": "string", "lastname": "string", "middlename": "string", "salutation": "string", "suffix": "string" }, /* Mandatory */ "cardBin": "string", "cardCvv2ValidationOutcomeAtPurchase": "string", "cardCvv2ValidationOutcomeDescription": "string", /* Mandatory */ "cardLastFour": "string", "cardType": "string", /* Mandatory */ "expiryMonth": 0, /* Mandatory */ "expiryYear": 0, "id": "string", "paymentAmount": 0, "paymentCurrency": "string", "paymentGatewayDescriptor": "string", "paymentGatewayId": "string", "totalBeforeTax": 0, "transactionId": "string", "transactionType": "Sale" } ], "proofOfConsent": "string", "refundEligible": true, "refunds": [ { "cardBin": "string", "cardLastFour": "string", "cardType": "string", "id": "string", "orderBalance": 0, "referenceNumber": "string", "refundDateTime": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.344Z", "total": 0, "transactionType": "string" } ], "reservations": [ { "airTravel": [ { "actualArrivalDateTime": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.344Z", "actualDepartureDateTime": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.344Z", "designatorCode": "string", "destinationAirportCode": "string", "fareClass": "string", "flightNumber": "string", "flightStatus": "string", "id": "string", "mealInfo": "string", "originAirportCode": "string", "passengerNameRecord": "string", 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"taxAmount": 0, "taxItems": [ { "amount": 0, "description": "string", "id": "string" } ], /* Mandatory */ "totalAmount": 0, "transactionDetails": { "appSourceBrowserType": "string", "deviceIpAddress": "string", "deviceType": "string", "geolocation": "string", "iccId": "string", "imeiId": "string", "mobileNetworkProvider": "string", "orderDeviceId": "string", "orderDeviceName": "string", "responseType": "string", "salesChannel": "Website", "simDetails": "string" } } ]
curl --location --request POST 'https://fpr360.chargebackgurus.com/webhook/order/1234' 
--header 'Authorization: Bearer zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' 
--data-raw '[
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                    "digitalDeliveryNotificationMessageDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z",
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                    "downloadStartDateTime": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z"
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                    "dateDelivered": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z",
                    "dateShipped": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z",
                    "deliveryProvider": "string",
                    "deliveryService": "string",
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echo $response;
import http.client

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""purchaseDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z",n                                ""purchaseLocation"": ""Website",n                                ""quantity"": 0n                            }n                        ],n                        ""rentalCompanyName"": ""string",n                        ""vehicleType"": ""string""n                    }n                ]n            }n        ],n        ""shippingHandlingAmount"": 0,n        ""specialInstructions"": ""string",n        ""storeAddress"": {n            ""address1"": ""string",n            ""address2"": ""string",n            ""city"": ""string",n            ""country"": ""string",n            ""latitude"": ""string",n            ""longitude"": ""string",n            ""state"": ""string",n            ""zip"": ""string""n        },n        ""taxAmount"": 0,n        ""taxItems"": [n            {n                ""amount"": 0,n                ""description"": ""string",n                ""id"": ""string""n            }n        ],n        /* Mandatory */n        ""totalAmount"": 0,n        ""transactionDetails"": {n            ""appSourceBrowserType"": ""string",n            ""deviceIpAddress"": ""string",n            ""deviceType"": ""string",n            ""geolocation"": ""string",n            ""iccId"": ""string",n            ""imeiId"": ""string",n            ""mobileNetworkProvider"": ""string",n            ""orderDeviceId"": ""string",n            ""orderDeviceName"": ""string",n            ""responseType"": ""string",n            ""salesChannel"": ""Website",n            ""simDetails"": ""string""n        }n    }n]"
headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'
conn.request("POST", "/webhook/order/1234", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("https://fpr360.chargebackgurus.com/webhook/order/1234")

https = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url)
request["Authorization"] = "Bearer zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
request.body = "[n    {n        ""communications"": ""string",n        ""creditReimbursements"": [n            {n                ""creditAmount"": 0,n                ""creditReference"": ""string",n                ""creditReimbursementDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z",n                ""creditReimbursementMethod"": ""string",n                ""id"": ""string",n                ""voucherAmount"": 0,n                ""voucherDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z",n                ""voucherDetails"": ""string",n                ""voucherExpirationDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z",n                ""voucherReference"": ""string""n            }n        ],n        ""currency"": ""string",n        ""deliveries"": [n            {n                ""digitalDelivery"": {n                    ""digitalDeliveryDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z",n                    ""digitalDeliveryIpAddress"": ""string",n                    ""digitalDeliveryNotificationMessageDate"": 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""signatureRequiredForDelivery"": true,n                    ""specialShippingInstructions"": ""string",n                    ""trackingNumber"": ""string""n                }n            }n        ],n        ""discounts"": [n            {n                ""amount"": 0,n                ""description"": ""string",n                ""id"": ""string""n            }n        ],n        ""invoiceNumber"": ""string",n        ""loyalty"": [n            {n                ""addressRegistered"": {n                    ""address1"": ""string",n                    ""address2"": ""string",n                    ""city"": ""string",n                    ""country"": ""string",n                    ""latitude"": ""string",n                    ""longitude"": ""string",n                    ""state"": ""string",n                    ""zip"": ""string""n                },n                ""id"": ""string",n                ""nameRegistered"": {n                    ""firstname"": ""string",n                    ""lastname"": ""string",n                    ""middlename"": ""string",n                    ""salutation"": ""string",n                    ""suffix"": ""string""n                },n                ""numberRegistered"": ""string",n                ""programName"": ""string""n            }n        ],n        /* Mandatory */n        ""orderDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",n        ""orderEmail"": ""string",n        ""orderId"": ""string",n        ""orderItems"": [n            {n                ""artistSeller"": ""string",n                ""conditionOfGoods"": ""string",n                ""creditReimbursementReferenceId"": ""string",n                ""deliveryReferenceId"": ""string",n                ""discountReferenceId"": ""string",n                ""id"": ""string",n                ""itemDeliveryFormat"": ""Digital_Service",n                ""linkToItemPurchased"": ""string",n                ""loyalityReferenceId"": ""string",n                ""productDescription"": ""string",n                ""productId"": ""string",n                ""productName"": ""string",n                ""productPrice"": 0,n                ""productPriceCurrency"": ""string",n                ""productSku"": ""string",n                ""productType"": ""string",n                ""productUrl"": ""string",n                ""quantity"": 0,n                ""recurring"": {n                    ""balanceOnSubscription"": 0,n                    ""cancellationPenalty"": true,n                    ""cancellationPenaltyDescription"": ""string",n                    ""numberOfHistoricSuccessfulPayments"": ""string",n                    ""subscriptionActivationDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",n                    ""subscriptionCancellationDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",n                    ""subscriptionCancellationPolicy"": ""string",n                    ""subscriptionCancellationPolicyLink"": ""string",n                    ""subscriptionContract"": ""string",n                    ""subscriptionContractLink"": ""string",n                    ""subscriptionCurrentPeriodEnds"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",n                    ""subscriptionCurrentPeriodStarted"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",n                    ""subscriptionDisputeDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",n                    ""subscriptionDisputed"": true,n                    ""subscriptionDuration"": ""string",n                    ""subscriptionExpirationDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",n                    ""subscriptionFirstPayment"": 0,n                    ""subscriptionFirstPaymentDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",n                    ""subscriptionFirstPaymentDisputed"": true,n                    ""subscriptionInterval"": ""string",n                    ""subscriptionIntervalUnit"": ""Day",n                    ""subscriptionNextBillingDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",n                    ""subscriptionPrice"": 0,n                    ""subscriptionStartDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",n  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""string",n        ""orderRecipientName"": {n            ""firstname"": ""string",n            ""lastname"": ""string",n            ""middlename"": ""string",n            ""salutation"": ""string",n            ""suffix"": ""string""n        },n        ""orderStatus"": ""Open_Pending",n        ""orderStatusOther"": ""string",n        /* Atleast one payment object required */n        ""payments"": [n            {n                ""arn"": ""string",n                ""authorizationCode"": ""string",n                ""authorizationDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.344Z",n                ""avsMatch"": ""string",n                ""bankCardPaymentMethod"": ""string",n                ""billingAddress"": {n                    ""address1"": ""string",n                    ""address2"": ""string",n                    ""city"": ""string",n                    ""country"": ""string",n                    ""latitude"": ""string",n                    ""longitude"": ""string",n                    ""state"": ""string",n                    ""zip"": ""string""n                },n                ""billingName"": {n                    ""firstname"": ""string",n                    ""lastname"": ""string",n                    ""middlename"": ""string",n                    ""salutation"": ""string",n                    ""suffix"": ""string""n                },n                /* Mandatory */n                ""cardBin"": ""string",n                ""cardCvv2ValidationOutcomeAtPurchase"": ""string",n                ""cardCvv2ValidationOutcomeDescription"": ""string",n                /* Mandatory */n                ""cardLastFour"": ""string",n                ""cardType"": ""string",n                /* Mandatory */n                ""expiryMonth"": 0,n                /* Mandatory */n                ""expiryYear"": 0,n                ""id"": ""string",n                ""paymentAmount"": 0,n                ""paymentCurrency"": ""string",n                ""paymentGatewayDescriptor"": ""string",n                ""paymentGatewayId"": ""string",n                ""totalBeforeTax"": 0,n                ""transactionId"": ""string",n                ""transactionType"": ""Sale""n            }n        ],n        ""proofOfConsent"": ""string",n        ""refundEligible"": true,n        ""refunds"": [n            {n                ""cardBin"": ""string",n                ""cardLastFour"": ""string",n                ""cardType"": ""string",n                ""id"": ""string",n                ""orderBalance"": 0,n                ""referenceNumber"": ""string",n                ""refundDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.344Z",n                ""total"": 0,n                ""transactionType"": ""string""n            }n        ],n        ""reservations"": [n            {n                ""airTravel"": [n                    {n                        ""actualArrivalDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.344Z",n                        ""actualDepartureDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.344Z",n                      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""numberRegistered"": ""string",n                                    ""programName"": ""string""n                                },n                                ""name"": {n                                    ""firstname"": ""string",n                                    ""lastname"": ""string",n                                    ""middlename"": ""string",n                                    ""salutation"": ""string",n                                    ""suffix"": ""string""n                                },n                                ""passportNumberLastThree"": ""string",n                                ""relatedPurchases"": [n                                    {n                                        ""id"": ""string",n                                        ""productName"": ""string",n                                        ""productPrice"": 0,n                                        ""purchaseDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z",n                                     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""stayDuration"": 0n                    }n                ],n                ""reservationEndDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z",n                ""reservationNumber"": ""string",n                ""reservationStartDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z",n                ""reservationStatus"": ""Pending",n                ""reservationStatusOther"": ""string",n                ""travelInsurancePolicy"": ""string",n                ""travelInsurancePolicyLink"": ""string",n                ""travelInsurancePolicyRecap"": ""string",n                ""vehicleRental"": [n                    {n                        ""actualDropoffDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z",n                        ""actualPickupDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z",n                        ""confirmationNumber"": ""string",n                        ""driverLicenseExpDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z",n                        ""driverLicenseIssuer"": ""string",n                        ""driverLicenseNumberLast3"": ""string",n                        ""dropoffDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z",n                        ""dropoffLocation"": ""string",n                        ""loyaltyReferenceId"": {n                            ""addressRegistered"": {n                                ""address1"": ""string",n                                ""address2"": ""string",n                                ""city"": ""string",n                                ""country"": ""string",n                                ""latitude"": ""string",n                                ""longitude"": ""string",n                                ""state"": ""string",n                                ""zip"": ""string""n                            },n                            ""id"": ""string",n                            ""nameRegistered"": {n                                ""firstname"": ""string",n                                ""lastname"": ""string",n                                ""middlename"": ""string",n           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      }n        ],n        /* Mandatory */n        ""totalAmount"": 0,n        ""transactionDetails"": {n            ""appSourceBrowserType"": ""string",n            ""deviceIpAddress"": ""string",n            ""deviceType"": ""string",n            ""geolocation"": ""string",n            ""iccId"": ""string",n            ""imeiId"": ""string",n            ""mobileNetworkProvider"": ""string",n            ""orderDeviceId"": ""string",n            ""orderDeviceName"": ""string",n            ""responseType"": ""string",n            ""salesChannel"": ""Website",n            ""simDetails"": ""string""n        }n    }n]"

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body
package main

import (

func main() {

  url := "https://fpr360.chargebackgurus.com/webhook/order/1234"
  method := "POST"

  payload := strings.NewReader(`[
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                "voucherAmount": 0,
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                "voucherDetails": "string",
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                "voucherReference": "string"
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        "deliveries": [
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                    "downloadStartDateTime": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.342Z"
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                    "idVerifiedAtPickupLocation": true,
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                    "subscriptionExpirationDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",
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                    "subscriptionFirstPaymentDate": "2021-05-21T15:23:12.343Z",
                    "subscriptionFirstPaymentDisputed": true,
                    "subscriptionInterval": "string",
                    "subscriptionIntervalUnit": "Day",
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@"                ""reservationStatusOther"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                ""travelInsurancePolicy"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                ""travelInsurancePolicyLink"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                ""travelInsurancePolicyRecap"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                ""vehicleRental"": [" + "n" +
@"                    {" + "n" +
@"                        ""actualDropoffDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z""," + "n" +
@"                        ""actualPickupDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z""," + "n" +
@"                        ""confirmationNumber"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                        ""driverLicenseExpDate"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z""," + "n" +
@"                        ""driverLicenseIssuer"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                        ""driverLicenseNumberLast3"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                        ""dropoffDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.345Z""," + "n" +
@"                        ""dropoffLocation"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                        ""loyaltyReferenceId"": {" + "n" +
@"                            ""addressRegistered"": {" + "n" +
@"                                ""address1"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""address2"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""city"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""country"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""latitude"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""longitude"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""state"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""zip"": ""string""" + "n" +
@"                            }," + "n" +
@"                            ""id"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                            ""nameRegistered"": {" + "n" +
@"                                ""firstname"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""lastname"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""middlename"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""salutation"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""suffix"": ""string""" + "n" +
@"                            }," + "n" +
@"                            ""numberRegistered"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                            ""programName"": ""string""" + "n" +
@"                        }," + "n" +
@"                        ""operatorName"": {" + "n" +
@"                            ""firstname"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                            ""lastname"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                            ""middlename"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                            ""salutation"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                            ""suffix"": ""string""" + "n" +
@"                        }," + "n" +
@"                        ""pickupDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z""," + "n" +
@"                        ""pickupLocation"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                        ""relatedPurchases"": [" + "n" +
@"                            {" + "n" +
@"                                ""id"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""productName"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                                ""productPrice"": 0," + "n" +
@"                                ""purchaseDateTime"": ""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z""," + "n" +
@"                                ""purchaseLocation"": ""Website""," + "n" +
@"                                ""quantity"": 0" + "n" +
@"                            }" + "n" +
@"                        ]," + "n" +
@"                        ""rentalCompanyName"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                        ""vehicleType"": ""string""" + "n" +
@"                    }" + "n" +
@"                ]" + "n" +
@"            }" + "n" +
@"        ]," + "n" +
@"        ""shippingHandlingAmount"": 0," + "n" +
@"        ""specialInstructions"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"        ""storeAddress"": {" + "n" +
@"            ""address1"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""address2"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""city"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""country"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""latitude"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""longitude"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""state"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""zip"": ""string""" + "n" +
@"        }," + "n" +
@"        ""taxAmount"": 0," + "n" +
@"        ""taxItems"": [" + "n" +
@"            {" + "n" +
@"                ""amount"": 0," + "n" +
@"                ""description"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"                ""id"": ""string""" + "n" +
@"            }" + "n" +
@"        ]," + "n" +
@"        /* Mandatory */" + "n" +
@"        ""totalAmount"": 0," + "n" +
@"        ""transactionDetails"": {" + "n" +
@"            ""appSourceBrowserType"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""deviceIpAddress"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""deviceType"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""geolocation"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""iccId"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""imeiId"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""mobileNetworkProvider"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""orderDeviceId"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""orderDeviceName"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""responseType"": ""string""," + "n" +
@"            ""salesChannel"": ""Website""," + "n" +
@"            ""simDetails"": ""string""" + "n" +
@"        }" + "n" +
@"    }" + "n" +
request.AddParameter("text/plain", body,  ParameterType.RequestBody);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

Send Notification

sample Body: { "arn": "111111", "authorizationCode": "xxxxxxxx", "personalAccountNumber":".......", "transactionAmount":"00.00", "transactionID":"111231310", "authorizationDateTime":"2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z", "transactionDate":"2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z", "transactionStatus":"Dispute", "comments": " Charge back Comments" }
curl --location --request POST 'https://sample.com/transaction/notify' 
--data-raw '{
    "arn": "111111",
    "authorizationCode": "xxxxxxxx",
    "comments": " Charge back Comments"
var https = require('follow-redirects').https;
var fs = require('fs');

var options = {
  'method': 'POST',
  'hostname': 'sample.com',
  'path': '/transaction/notify',
  'headers': {
  'maxRedirects': 20

var req = https.request(options, function (res) {
  var chunks = [];

  res.on("data", function (chunk) {

  res.on("end", function (chunk) {
    var body = Buffer.concat(chunks);

  res.on("error", function (error) {

var postData =  "{n    ""arn"": ""111111",n    ""authorizationCode"": ""xxxxxxxx",n    ""personalAccountNumber"":"".......",n    ""transactionAmount"":""00.00",n    ""transactionID"":""111231310",n    ""authorizationDateTime"":""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z",n    ""transactionDate"":""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z",n    ""transactionStatus"":""Dispute",n    ""comments"": "" Charge back Comments""n}n   ";


    "arn": "111111",
    "authorizationCode": "xxxxxxxx",
    "comments": " Charge back Comments"

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;
import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("sample.com")
payload = "{n    ""arn"": ""111111",n    ""authorizationCode"": ""xxxxxxxx",n    ""personalAccountNumber"":"".......",n    ""transactionAmount"":""00.00",n    ""transactionID"":""111231310",n    ""authorizationDateTime"":""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z",n    ""transactionDate"":""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z",n    ""transactionStatus"":""Dispute",n    ""comments"": "" Charge back Comments""n}n   "
headers = {}
conn.request("POST", "/transaction/notify", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("https://sample.com/transaction/notify")

https = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url)
request.body = "{n    ""arn"": ""111111",n    ""authorizationCode"": ""xxxxxxxx",n    ""personalAccountNumber"":"".......",n    ""transactionAmount"":""00.00",n    ""transactionID"":""111231310",n    ""authorizationDateTime"":""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z",n    ""transactionDate"":""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z",n    ""transactionStatus"":""Dispute",n    ""comments"": "" Charge back Comments""n}n   "

response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body
package main

import (

func main() {

  url := "https://sample.com/transaction/notify"
  method := "POST"

  payload := strings.NewReader(`{
    "arn": "111111",
    "authorizationCode": "xxxxxxxx",
    "comments": " Charge back Comments"

  client := &http.Client {
  req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, payload)

  if err != nil {
  res, err := client.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
  defer res.Body.Close()

  body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  if err != nil {
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("text/plain");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{n    ""arn"": ""111111",n    ""authorizationCode"": ""xxxxxxxx",n    ""personalAccountNumber"":"".......",n    ""transactionAmount"":""00.00",n    ""transactionID"":""111231310",n    ""authorizationDateTime"":""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z",n    ""transactionDate"":""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z",n    ""transactionStatus"":""Dispute",n    ""comments"": "" Charge back Comments""n}n   ");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .method("POST", body)
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var client = new RestClient("https://sample.com/transaction/notify");
client.Timeout = -1;
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
var body = @"{" + "n" +
@"    ""arn"": ""111111""," + "n" +
@"    ""authorizationCode"": ""xxxxxxxx""," + "n" +
@"    ""personalAccountNumber"":"".......""," + "n" +
@"    ""transactionAmount"":""00.00""," + "n" +
@"    ""transactionID"":""111231310""," + "n" +
@"    ""authorizationDateTime"":""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z""," + "n" +
@"    ""transactionDate"":""2021-05-21T15:23:12.346Z""," + "n" +
@"    ""transactionStatus"":""Dispute""," + "n" +
@"    ""comments"": "" Charge back Comments""" + "n" +
@"}" + "n" +
@"   ";
request.AddParameter("text/plain", body,  ParameterType.RequestBody);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

HTTP Status Code Responses

HTTP: Status Code - Message Description

  • 200 : OK - The request (GET) was processed successfully. The body will contain a JSON string with the response to the request
  • 400 : Bad Request - The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax
  • 401 : Unauthorized - Authentication failure
  • 403 : Forbidden - Server can be reached and process the request, but refuses to take any further action
  • 404 : Not Found - The requested order does not exist
  • 500 : Internal Server Error - An internal system error was encountered while processing the request
  • 501 : Not Implemented - The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request
  • 503 : Service Unavailable - Service is down for scheduled maintenance or other temporary condition

Schema Definitions


The prevention alert services API will enable Chargeback Gurus to receive transaction details from the provider, check them against the client's CRM, then proceed to initiate a refund.


OI provides merchants the ability to share transaction details with the issuer for charges that are questioned by the cardholder. This information is then used by the issuer in their communication with the cardholder to resolve the customer’s needs without initiating a chargeback.

OI Process Flow

  1. The cardholder contacts the issuer to inquire about or dispute a given transaction.
  2. The issuer uses the OI service to request order details using the billing descriptor in conjunction with transaction elements such as the Acquirer Reference Number (ARN), credit card BIN, credit card last four digits, date, currency, and amount to identify a unique order.
  3. Chargeback Gurus uses order details submitted by the Merchant APIs via OI Webhook.
  4. Chargeback Gurus responds to the Issuer with order details. Contents are listed in section “OI Details”
  5. The issuer reviews the received OI information with the cardholder to fulfill the cardholder’s needs and avoid a Chargeback.


For both finding and refunding transactions, we need basic authentication with the client's username and password

Find Transaction

Sample Body: { "cardLast4":1234, "cardBin":"1165465", "startDate":"25/06/2021", "endDate":"28/06/2021", "transactionAmount":1523.25 }
curl --location -g --request POST '{MerchentCRM URL}/api/transaction/find' 
--data-raw '{
var https = require('follow-redirects').https;
var fs = require('fs');

var options = {
  'method': 'POST',
  'hostname': '{MerchentCRM URL}',
  'path': '/api/transaction/find',
  'headers': {
  'maxRedirects': 20

var req = https.request(options, function (res) {
  var chunks = [];

  res.on("data", function (chunk) {

  res.on("end", function (chunk) {
    var body = Buffer.concat(chunks);

  res.on("error", function (error) {

var postData =  "{rn    ""cardLast4"":1234,rn    ""cardBin"":""1165465",rn    ""startDate"":""25/06/2021",rn    ""endDate"":""28/06/2021",rn    ""transactionAmount"":1523.25rn}";



$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;
import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("{MerchentCRM URL}")
payload = "{rn    ""cardLast4"":1234,rn    ""cardBin"":""1165465",rn    ""startDate"":""25/06/2021",rn    ""endDate"":""28/06/2021",rn    ""transactionAmount"":1523.25rn}"
headers = {}
conn.request("POST", "/api/transaction/find", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("{MerchentCRM URL}/api/transaction/find")

http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port);
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url)
request.body = "{rn    ""cardLast4"":1234,rn    ""cardBin"":""1165465",rn    ""startDate"":""25/06/2021",rn    ""endDate"":""28/06/2021",rn    ""transactionAmount"":1523.25rn}"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
package main

import (

func main() {

  url := "%7BMerchentCRM%20URL%7D/api/transaction/find"
  method := "POST"

  payload := strings.NewReader(`{`+"

  client := &http.Client {
  req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, payload)

  if err != nil {
  res, err := client.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
  defer res.Body.Close()

  body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  if err != nil {
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("text/plain");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{rn    ""cardLast4"":1234,rn    ""cardBin"":""1165465",rn    ""startDate"":""25/06/2021",rn    ""endDate"":""28/06/2021",rn    ""transactionAmount"":1523.25rn}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .url("{MerchentCRM URL}/api/transaction/find")
  .method("POST", body)
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var client = new RestClient("{MerchentCRM URL}/api/transaction/find");
client.Timeout = -1;
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
var body = @"{
" + "n" +
@"    ""cardLast4"":1234,
" + "n" +
@"    ""cardBin"":""1165465"",
" + "n" +
@"    ""startDate"":""25/06/2021"",
" + "n" +
@"    ""endDate"":""28/06/2021"",
" + "n" +
@"    ""transactionAmount"":1523.25
" + "n" +
request.AddParameter("text/plain", body,  ParameterType.RequestBody);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

Refund Notification

Sample Body: { "transactionId":"342343", "isNeedRefund":true, "isNeedCancelInvoice":true, "isNeedCancelSubscription":true, "notes":"Refund Initiated for Prevention Alert Service", "transactionAmount":1523.25, "resonCode":120, "alertId":"ACG45648714314" }
curl --location -g --request POST '{MerchentCRM URL}/api/transaction/notify' 
--data-raw '{
    "notes":"Form ChargebackGurus Request for Transaction Notify",
var https = require('follow-redirects').https;
var fs = require('fs');

var options = {
  'method': 'POST',
  'hostname': '{MerchentCRM URL}',
  'path': '/api/transaction/notify',
  'headers': {
  'maxRedirects': 20

var req = https.request(options, function (res) {
  var chunks = [];

  res.on("data", function (chunk) {

  res.on("end", function (chunk) {
    var body = Buffer.concat(chunks);

  res.on("error", function (error) {

var postData =  "{rn    ""transactionId"":""342343",rn    ""isNeedRefund"":true,rn    ""isNeedCancelInvoice"":true,rn    ""isNeedCancelSubscription"":true,rn    ""notes"":""Form ChargebackGurus Request for Transaction Notify",rn    ""transactionAmount"":1523.25,rn    ""resonCode"":120,rn    ""chargeBackRef"":""ACG45648714314""rn}";


    "notes":"Form ChargebackGurus Request for Transaction Notify",

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;
import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("{MerchentCRM URL}")
payload = "{rn    ""transactionId"":""342343",rn    ""isNeedRefund"":true,rn    ""isNeedCancelInvoice"":true,rn    ""isNeedCancelSubscription"":true,rn    ""notes"":""Form ChargebackGurus Request for Transaction Notify",rn    ""transactionAmount"":1523.25,rn    ""resonCode"":120,rn    ""chargeBackRef"":""ACG45648714314""rn}"
headers = {}
conn.request("POST", "/api/transaction/notify", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI("{MerchentCRM URL}/api/transaction/notify")

http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port);
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url)
request.body = "{rn    ""transactionId"":""342343",rn    ""isNeedRefund"":true,rn    ""isNeedCancelInvoice"":true,rn    ""isNeedCancelSubscription"":true,rn    ""notes"":""Form ChargebackGurus Request for Transaction Notify",rn    ""transactionAmount"":1523.25,rn    ""resonCode"":120,rn    ""chargeBackRef"":""ACG45648714314""rn}"

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body
package main

import (

func main() {

  url := "%7BMerchentCRM%20URL%7D/api/transaction/notify"
  method := "POST"

  payload := strings.NewReader(`{`+"
    "notes":"Form ChargebackGurus Request for Transaction Notify",`+"

  client := &http.Client {
  req, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, payload)

  if err != nil {
  res, err := client.Do(req)
  if err != nil {
  defer res.Body.Close()

  body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
  if err != nil {
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()
MediaType mediaType = MediaType.parse("text/plain");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(mediaType, "{rn    ""transactionId"":""342343",rn    ""isNeedRefund"":true,rn    ""isNeedCancelInvoice"":true,rn    ""isNeedCancelSubscription"":true,rn    ""notes"":""Form ChargebackGurus Request for Transaction Notify",rn    ""transactionAmount"":1523.25,rn    ""resonCode"":120,rn    ""chargeBackRef"":""ACG45648714314""rn}");
Request request = new Request.Builder()
  .url("{MerchentCRM URL}/api/transaction/notify")
  .method("POST", body)
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
var client = new RestClient("{MerchentCRM URL}/api/transaction/notify");
client.Timeout = -1;
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
var body = @"{
" + "n" +
@"    ""transactionId"":""342343"",
" + "n" +
@"    ""isNeedRefund"":true,
" + "n" +
@"    ""isNeedCancelInvoice"":true,
" + "n" +
@"    ""isNeedCancelSubscription"":true,
" + "n" +
@"    ""notes"":""Form ChargebackGurus Request for Transaction Notify"",
" + "n" +
@"    ""transactionAmount"":1523.25,
" + "n" +
@"    ""resonCode"":120,
" + "n" +
@"    ""chargeBackRef"":""ACG45648714314""
" + "n" +
request.AddParameter("text/plain", body,  ParameterType.RequestBody);
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);

HTTP Status Code Responses

HTTP: Status Code - Message Description

  • 200 : OK - The request was processed successfully. The body will contain a JSON string with the response to the request
  • 400 : Bad Request - The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax
  • 401 : Unauthorized - Authentication failure
  • 403 : Forbidden - Server can be reached and process the request, but refuses to take any further action
  • 404 : Not Found - The requested order does not exist
  • 500 : Internal Server Error - An internal system error was encountered while processing the request
  • 501 : Not Implemented - The server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request
  • 503 : Service Unavailable - Service is down for scheduled maintenance or other temporary condition

Order Insight Webhook

Order Object

invoiceNumber: string

The reference number stored in your CRM to track invoices.

orderId: string

The reference number stored in your CRM to identify individual orders.

orderDate: Date      Required   

The date of the order.

orderStatus: Enum 

The status of an order stored in your CRM. Possible values include: Open_Pending, Open_PendingReturn, Closed_Complete, Closed_Canceled, Other.

orderStatusOther: String 

The status of an order if it is none of the values from the order Status field.

orderRecipientName: Object 

The name of the recipient of the order.

orderEmail: String 

The email address associated with the order.

orderPhone: String 

The phone number associated with the order.

storeAddress: Object 

The address of the store the product was purchased from.

shippingHandlingAmount: Amount 

The shipping and handling amount on the order.

taxAmount: Amount 

The tax on the order.

totalAmount: Amount      Required   

The total amount of the order, which includes the actual cost of the product, tax, and shipping charges.

currency: Currency

The currency in which the original transaction took place - ISO 4217Alpha 3 (Example: USD).

specialInstructions: String

The special instructions for the order that was placed (in terms of delivery or the product, for example).

communications: String

The comments related to the order.

proofOfConsent: String

The proof that can validate the user's consent.

refundEligible: Boolean

The indication of whether or not the the order is eligible for a refund.

orderItems: Object

A list of items in the order

transactionDetails: Object

The details of the transaction including the location, device, and other data associated with it.

payments: Object      Required   

The details of the card, billing address, date, and amount and other important information with which the payment was made.

creditReimbursements: Object

List of CreditReimbursement objects. The variables for this object are listed below.

refunds: Object

List of refund transactions and their data - This variables for this object are listed below.

taxItems: Object

The amount of tax on each item.

discounts: Object

The discounts for the transaction.

deliveries: Object

The delivery details for the transaction.

reservations: Object

The reservation data such as reserved car, train seat, etc.

loyalty: Object

The program that contains the loyalty registration.


Name Object

salutation: String

The salutation of the person.

firstname: String

The first name of the person.

middlename: String

The middle name of the person.

lastname: String

The last name of the person.

suffix: String

The suffix of the person.

Address Object

address1: String

The first line of the address.

address2: String

The second line of the address.

city: String

The city of the address.

state: String

The state of the address.

zip: String

The zip code of the address.

country: String

The country of the address.

latitude: String

The latitude of the address.

longitude: String

The longitude of the address.

OrderItem Object

Id: String

The unique ID used to find the order.

productId: String

The unique ID used to identify a product in the the order.

productSku: String

The SKU value found on the bar code of each product, which is used to track the movement of the product.

productUrl: String

The URL associated with the product.

productName: String

The name of the product.

productDescription: String

A description of the product.

artistSeller: String

The seller's name.

conditionOfGoods: String

The condition of the product, such as new, used, or other.

linkToItemPurchased: String

A link to the item that was purchased.

Quantity: Number

The quantity of the product.

productPrice: Amount

The price of the product in the original transaction.

productPriceCurrency: Currency

The currency of the price of the product, such as USD, INR, etc.

productType: String

The type of product.

itemDeliveryFormat: Enum

The format of the item delivery, such as digital service, digital download, physical shipment, in store pickup, or other.

deliveryReferenceId: String

The delivery reference number to track if the product has been delivered.

refundReferenceId: String

The refund reference number, if any, used to track the refund of the product if needed.

creditReimbursementReferenceId: String

The credit reimbursement reference number, which is the amount you paid back to the customer as reimbursement.

discountReferenceId: String

The discount reference number if a discount is applied to a product during the purchase.

loyaltyReferenceId: String

Any loyalty points provided during the purchase.

Usage: Object

The usage of the product.

Recurring: Object

The recurring object type as it relates to the transaction.

reservationReferenceId: String

The unique number provided that is used to track the reservation.


TransactionDetails Object

deviceIpAddress: String

The IP Address of the device from which the transaction was made.

geolocation: String

The location from which the transaction was made.

orderDeviceId: String

The device ID from which the transaction was made.

orderDeviceName: String

The name of the smartphone/laptop/tablet model used to make the purchase.

deviceType: String

The type of device used to make the purchase, such as smartphone, tablet, or PC.

appSourceBrowserType: String

The browser used to make the transaction.

simDetails: String

The SIM detail in case of use.

mobileNetworkProvider: String

The mobile network provider in case of use.

imeiId: String

The IMEI ID of the device.

iccId: String

The ICC ID of the device.

responseType: String

The response type of the transaction.

salesChannel: Enum

The sales channel for the transaction, such as website, mobile, in-app, in-store, kiosk, phone, in-flight, ticket counter, or other.


Payment Object

id: String

The unique ID for each payment.

cardType: String

The type of credit card type used in the payment, such as Mastercard, Visa, American Express, etc.

cardBin: String      Required   

The bank identification number (BIN) of the credit card used for the transaction.

cardLastFour: String      Required   

The last 4 digits of the credit card used for the transaction.

bankCardPaymentMethod: String

The card payment method used for the transaction.

expiryMonth: Number      Required   

The expiry month of the payment card.

expiryYear: Number      Required   

The expiry year of the payment card.

cardCVV2ValidationOutcomeAtPurchase: String

The CVV validation outcome of the card at time of purchase.

cardCVV2ValidationOutcomeDescription: String

A description of the CVV validation outcome.

billingName: Object

The billing name associated with the payment card.

billingAddress: Object

The billing address associated with the payment card.

avsMatch: String

The AVS match results for the transaction.

totalBeforeTax: Amount

The total amount of the transaction excluding tax.

paymentAmount: Amount

The total paid amount of the transaction.

transactionId: String

The unique identifier of the transaction.

paymentCurrency: Currency

The currency in which the transaction was made.

arn: String

The ARN (Acquirer Reference Number) for the payment card in the transaction.

authorizationCode: String

The authorization code of the payment card in the transaction.

authorizationDate: Date

The authorization date of the payment card in the transaction.

transactionType: Enum

The type of transaction, such as sale, credit, reversal, or adjustment.

paymentGatewayId: String

The payment gateway identifier.

paymentGatewayDescriptor: String

The payment gateway descriptor.

CreditReimbursement Object

id: String

The credit reimbursement identifier.

CreditReimbursementDate: Date

The date of the credit reimbursement.

creditReimbursementMethod: String

The method of the credit reimbursement.

voucherDetails: String

The voucher details.

voucherExpirationDate: Date

The expiry date of the voucher.

voucherAmount: Amount

The amount of the voucher.

voucherDate: Date

The applied date of the voucher.

voucherReference: String

The reference number of the voucher.

creditAmount: Amount

The credit amount.

creditReference: String

The credit reference number.

Refund Object

id: String

The transaction identifier for the refund.

referenceNumber: String

The reference number of the refund.

refundDateTime: Date

The date of the refund.

transactionType: String

The transaction type of the refund.

cardBin: String

The bank identification number (BIN) of the credit card used for the transaction.

cardLastFour: String

The last 4 digits of the credit card used for the transaction.

cardType: String

The card type used for the transaction.

total: Amount

The total refund amount of the transaction.

orderBalance: Amount

The order balance after the refund.

Tax Object

id: String

The tax identifier.

description: String

A description of the tax entry.

amount: Amount

The tax amount on the transaction.

Discount Object

id: String

The discount identifier.

description: String

The description of the discount.

amount: Amount

The amount of the discount.

Reservation Object

id: String

The unique ID number which is used to track the reservation.

reservationStartDate: Date

The starting date for the reservation.

reservationEndDate: Date

The ending date for the reservation.

reservationNumber: String

The reservation reference number, which acts like a tracking number.

reservationStatus: Enum

The status of the reservation, with possible values being pending, accepted, declined, expired, cancelled, closed, or other.

reservationStatusOther: String

The status of the reservation.

travelInsurancePolicy: String

The travel insurance policy, if any.

travelInsurancePolicyRecap: String

The travel insurance policy summary.

travelInsurancePolicyLink: String

The link to the travel insurance policy.

airTravel: Object

The list of the AirTravel Object Type.

vehicleRental: Object

The list of the VehicleRental Object Type.

lodging: Object

The list of the Lodging Object Type.

Delivery Object

id: String

The delivery identifier.

digitalDelivery: Object

The digital delivery object type.

physicalDelivery: Object

The physical delivery object type.

Loyalty Object

id: String

The unique number provided for each loyalty program/user.

programName: String

The name of the loyalty program.

numberRegistered: String

The registered number for the loyalty program.

nameRegistered: Object

The Name Object Type for the loyalty program.

AddressRegistered: Object

The Address Object Type for the loyalty program.

Usage Object

productInUse: Boolean

The indication of whether or not the product is in use.

lastUtilizationDate: Date

The last time that the product was utilized.

totalUsage: Number

The total usage of the product.

consumptionDescription: String

An extra note about product consumption.

consumptionMethod: String

The consumption method of the product.

Recurring Object

trialPeriod: Boolean

The indication of whether or not the trial period is in effect.

trialStatus: Enum

The status of the trial, such as not started, active, expired, or cancelled.

trialInterval: String

The interval of the trial period.

trialIntervalUnit: Enum

The unit for the interval of the trial, such as day, week, month, or year.

trialStartDate: Date

The trial period start date.

trialActivationDate: Date

The date that the trial period was activated.

trialEndDate: Date

The end date of the trial period.

trialPrice: Amount

The price of the trial period.

subscriptionStartDate: Date

The start date of the subscription.

subscriptionActivationDate: Date

The date of the activation of the subscription.

subscriptionExpirationDate: Date

The expiration date of the subscription.

subscriptionCancellationDate: Date

The date that the subscription was canceled.

subscriptionPrice: Amount

The amount of the subscription.

subscriptionInterval: String

The period of the subscription.

subscriptionIntervalUnit: Enum

The units for the period of the subscription, such as day, week, month, or year.

subscriptionStatus: Enum

The status of the subscription, such as not started, active, expired, or cancelled.

subscriptionCurrentPeriodStarted: Date

The start date of the current period for the subscription.

subscriptionCurrentPeriodEnds: Date

The end date for the current period of the subscription.

subscriptionFirstPaymentDate: Date

The first payment date of the subscription.

subscriptionFirstPayment: Amount

The amount of the first payment for the subscription.

subscriptionNextBillingDate: Date

The next billing date of the subscription.

subscriptionDuration: String

The duration of the subscription.

numberOfHistoricSuccessfulPayments: String

The number of successful payments for the subscription.

balanceOnSubscription: Amount

The amount on the balance for the subscription.

cancellationPenalty: Boolean

The indication of whether or not there is any penalty on cancellation.

cancellationPenaltyDescription: String

The details for the cancellation penalty of the subscription.

subscriptionCancellationPolicy: String

The cancellation policy for the subscription.

subscriptionCancellationPolicyLink: String

The link to the cancellation policy for the subscription.

subscriptionContract: String

The contract for the subscription.

subscriptionContractLink: String

The link to the contract for the subscription.

subscriptionDisputed: Boolean

The indication of whether the subscription is in dispute.

subscriptionFirstPaymentDisputed: Boolean

The first payment date of the subscription disputed.

subscriptionDisputeDate: Date

The date of the subscription dispute.

PhysicalDelivery Object

digitalDeliveryDateTime: Date

The delivery time for the product.

digitalDeliveryNotificationMessageSent: Boolean

The indication of whether or not the digital delivery notification message was sent.

digitalDeliveryNotificationMethod: String

The delivery notification method.

digitalDeliveryNotificationMessageDate: Date

The date that the delivery notification was sent.

downloadStartDateTime: Date

The start date of the download for the digitally delivered product.

downloadCompletionDateTime: Date

The completion date of the download for the digitally delivered product.

digitalDeliveryIpAddress: String

The IP address for the digital delivery of the product.




PhysicalDelivery Object

trackingNumber: String

The tracking number for the delivery of the product.

deliveryProvider: String

The name of the delivery provider.

deliveryService: String

The name of the delivery service.

deliveryStatus: Enum

The status of the delivery, with possible values being not shipping, backordered, in transit, partial shipped, shipped, cancelled, shipping exception, pickup, or other.

descriptionOfOtherStatus: String

The description of a status marked as other.

dateShipped: Date

The date that the product was shipped.

dateDelivered: Date

The date that the product was delivered.

signatureRequiredForDelivery: Boolean

The indication of whether or not a signature was required for delivery.

proofOfDeliverySigned: Boolean

The indication of whether or not a signature was obtained as proof of delivery.

proofOfDeliverySignedBy: String

The name that was used in the signature of the delivery.

numberOfItemsDelivered: String

The number of items that were delivered.

specialShippingInstructions: String

The extra shipping instructions for the order, if any.

packingSlipContents: String

The contents of the packing slip for the order.

shippingName: Object

The Name Object Type for the delivery.

shippingAddress: Object

The Address Object Type for the delivery.

addressVerificationForShipping: Boolean

The indication of whether there was address verification for the shipping.

billingAddressMatchesShippingAddress: Boolean

The indication of whether the billing address and the shipping address match.

customerPickup: Boolean

The indication of whether the delivery is marked as customer pickup.

reasonForPickup: String

The reason for pickup from the customer.

pickupDate: Date

The date for the customer pickup.

pickupAddressLocation: Object

The address for the customer pickup location. Address Object Type.

idVerifiedAtPickupLocation: Boolean

The indication of whether or not the ID was verified at the time of pickup.

idVerificationAtPickupLocation: String

The verification of the ID that was used at pickup.

nameOfSigner: Object

The Name Object Type.

VehicleRental Object

rentalCompanyName: String

The company name from which the vehicle was rented.

confirmationNumber: String

The reference number which indicates the confirmation of payment and booking for the vehicle.

loyaltyReferenceId: Object

The Loyalty Object Type.

vehicleType: String

The type of vehicle that was booked, such as SUV, Sedan, etc.

pickupDateTime: Date

The start date and time from which the vehicle was eligible for pickup by the customer.

actualPickupDateTime: Date

The actual date and time that the vehicle was picked up.

pickupLocation: String

The location the vehicle was picked up from.

dropoffDateTime: Date

The date and time that the vehicle could be dropped off by the customer.

actualDropoffDateTime: Date

The actual date and time the vehicle was dropped off by the customer.

dropoffLocation: String

The location where the vehicle has to be dropped off.

operatorName: Object

The Name Object Type.

driverLicenseNumberLast3: String

The last 3 numbers of the customer's driver's license number.

driverLicenseIssuer: String

The driver's license issuer of the customer.

driverLicenseExpDate: Date

The expiry date of the customer's driver's license.

relatedPurchases: Object

The list of the RelatedPurchase Object Type.

AirTravel Object

id: String

The unique ID for the flight.

passengerNameRecord: String

The name of the passenger.

designatorCode: String

The designator code for the flight.

flightNumber: String

The flight number.

originAirportCode: String

The airport code of the origin airport.

destinationAirportCode: String

The airport code of the destination airport.

scheduledDepartureDateTime: Date

The scheduled departure date for the flight.

actualDepartureDateTime: Date

The actual departure date for the flight.

scheduledArrivalDateTime: Date

The scheduled arrival date for the flight.

actualArrivalDateTime: Date

The actual arrival date for the flight.

fareClass: String

The class of ticket booked for the flight.

flightStatus: String

The flight status.

mealInfo: String

The meal information for the flight.

specialRequest: String

The indication of any special requests, if any.

passengers: Object

The Passenger Object Type.

Lodging Object

lodgingCompanyName: String

The name of the lodging company.

confirmationNumber: String

The unique confirmation number for the booking.

roomType: String

The type of room that was booked.

stayDuration: Number

The duration of the stay of the customer for the booking.

roomsBooked: Number

The number of rooms booked by the customer.

checkInDateTime: Date

The check-in date and time for the booking.

actualCheckInDateTime: Date

The actual check-in date and time that the customer checked in.

checkoutDateTime: Date

The check-out date and time for the booking.

actualCheckOutDateTime: Date

The actual check-out date and time that the customer checked out.

roomPreferences: String

The room preferences of the customer, if any.

loyaltyReferenceId: Object

The Loyalty Object Type.

relatedPurchases: Object

The List of RelatedPurchases Object Type.

Passenger Object

id: String

The unique ID assigned for each passenger.

name: Object

The Name Object Type.

ticketNumber: String

The ticket number for the passenger.

dateOfBirth: Date

The date of birth of the passenger.

passportNumberLastThree: String

The last three numbers of the passenger's passport.

seatNumber: String

The seat number for the passenger.

loyaltyReferenceId: Object

The Loyalty Object Type.

knownTravelerNumber: String

The traveler number for the passenger.

checkInDateTime: Date

The check-in time.

travelUtilizationIndicator: Boolean

The indication of travel utilization.

relatedPurchases: Object

The list of RelatedPurchases Object Type.

Prevention Alerts

Find Transaction

cardLast4: Integer      Required   

The last 4 digits of the card in the transaction.

cardBin: String      Required   

The Bank Identification Number, which is usually the first 6 digits of the payment card.

startDate: String      Required   

The initialization start date, normally one day before the transaction date.

endDate: String      Required   

The initialization end date, normally one day after the transaction date.

transactionAmount: bigDecimal      Required   

The amount of the transaction.

Refund Notification

transactionId: String      Required   

The unique ID that is generated for each transaction.

isNeedRefund: Boolean

The indication of whether or not a refund needs to be initialized. If true, a refund will be processed. If the transaction is already refunded, it should be false.

isNeedCancelInvoice: Boolean

The indication of whether or not the invoice needs to be cancelled.

isNeedCancelSubscription: Boolean

The indication of whether or not the subscription needs to be cancelled.

notes: String

The notes about the refund.

transactionAmount: bigDecimal      Required   

The transaction amount.

reasonCode: bigDecimal      Required   

The reason code to update the provider.

alertId: String      Required   

The unique ID of the alert that is sent by the provider.

id: String

The identifier.

productName: String

The related product name.

quantity: Integer

The related product quantity.

productPrice: Integer

The related product price.

purchaseDateTime: Date

The purchase date of the related product.

purchaseLocation: Enum

The purchase location of the related product, with possible values being website, mobile, in-app, in-store, kiosk, phone, in-flight, ticket counter, or other.

SendNotification Object

arn: String

The unique number assigned during a credit card transaction.

authorizationCode: String

The password or other authorization code to proceed with a transaction.

personalAccountNumber: String

The account number of the card user.

transactionAmount: String

The amount of the transaction

transactionID: String

The unique ID that is generated for each transaction.

authorizationDateTime: String

The time that the authorization code or password was entered during the transaction.

transactionDate: String

The date that the transaction took place.

transactionStatus: String

The status of the transaction, with possible values being canceled, reversal, completed, created, denied, expired, failed, pending, refunded, reversed, process, or voided.

comments: String

The comments related to the notification of the transaction.