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NFC Contactless Payments

Written by Chargeback Gurus | September 29, 2023

NFC contactless payments are more popular than ever as consumers continue to be drawn in by the convenience and speed they offer. However, behind the simplicity of a swift tap or wave of a smartphone lies a sophisticated web of technology, encryption, and data transmission protocols.

As businesses and consumers increasingly embrace the convenience and speed of NFC payments, it’s important for merchants to understand how this technology works and how it differs from payments that use an EMV chip or a magnetic stripe.

How NFC Contactless Payments Work

NFC technology relies on short-range wireless communication between two devices, typically a credit card or smartphone and a payment terminal. This enables secure data exchange, making it ideal for contactless payments. Transactions occur in a matter of moments, providing a seamless experience for both customers and merchants.

When a customer initiates an NFC payment, there are a number of steps involved:

  1. Initiation: If using a smartphone, the customer opens their mobile payment app, selects the card they want to use, and holds their device near the merchant's NFC-enabled payment terminal. If using a contactless credit or debit card, the card is simply held near the terminal. This action triggers the initiation of the payment process.
  2. Request for Payment: The payment terminal sends out a signal that’s picked up by an antenna in the card or device. In addition to transmitting the request for payment information, this signal can also provide power to a card’s RFID chip through induction, the same process used by wireless chargers.
  3. Tokenization: Instead of transmitting the actual card number, the card or device uses an algorithm to generate a unique token for each transaction. Even if intercepted, this token is useless to fraudsters, as it cannot be used for any other purpose.
  4. Authorization: The merchant's payment terminal sends the token, along with transaction details, to the payment processor. The processor then sends the information through the appropriate card network to the issuing bank. The bank verifies the transaction's legitimacy and the availability of funds in the customer's account.
  5. Approval: If the transaction is approved, it will be recorded by both the merchant and the bank for later settlement, when the actual funds are transferred.

Security in NFC Contactless Payments

In the early days of contactless payments, many customers were concerned about the security of transmitting payment data wirelessly. However, the reality is that these payments are actually even more secure than inserting a card into a chip reader.

Fraudsters have developed “shimmers” that can be inserted into a card reader to read the data from an inserted chip card.

In many cases, the card number is still present within this data, allowing the fraudster to attempt to use the card for online purchases or encode the number onto a new card’s magnetic stripe. Many NFC-enabled devices, such as smartphones, have a dedicated chip called a Secure Element (SE).

The SE stores sensitive data like credit card details, passwords, etc. The chip is kept separate from the device’s operating system to ensure that viruses and other malicious software can’t access the data even if the phone is compromised.

This hardware-based security adds an extra layer of protection, making it difficult for fraudsters to access or manipulate payment information.

In the event that an NFC-enabled device is lost or stolen, additional security measures come into play. Most NFC payment systems require user authentication, such as a PIN or biometric verification, for each transaction, adding an extra layer of protection even if the physical device is compromised.

NFC Payment Processing for Merchants

To accept NFC payments, merchants need compatible hardware and equipment. This typically includes NFC-enabled point-of-sale (POS) terminals or card readers. Most modern POS systems often come equipped with NFC capabilities, but it's essential to ensure that your hardware supports NFC technology to enable contactless payments.

NFC-enabled terminals typically include a symbol indicating that contactless payments are supported. If the terminal being used doesn’t feature this symbol. Merchants may wish to add a small note to the terminal to notify customers that they can “tap to pay.”

In addition to the hardware, merchants will need to ensure that the payment gateways and processors they use support these tokenized payments. While the vast majority do, there are instances where legacy software may need to be upgraded.


NFC payments offer numerous benefits to both customers and merchants. Understanding how this technology works and its potential for enhancing the payment experience is essential for businesses looking to thrive in a rapidly evolving payments ecosystem.

The future outlook for NFC payments is promising, with ongoing technological advancements and increased consumer adoption.

Merchants who embrace NFC technology are well-positioned to provide a secure, convenient, and efficient payment experience for their customers, ultimately driving business success.

Embracing NFC technology is not merely an option but a strategic necessity for merchants looking to stay competitive and meet the evolving demands of modern consumers.

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