What is a Chargeback Guarantee?

June 15, 2023

In the realm of e-commerce, chargebacks can be a significant concern for merchants. Chargebacks occur when customers dispute a transaction and request a refund from their credit card issuer, ultimately resulting in the reversal of funds. While chargebacks serve as a form of consumer protection, they can also impose financial burdens on merchants, leading to lost revenue, increased operational costs, and potential damage to their reputation. 

To mitigate these risks, many payment service providers and fraud prevention companies offer chargeback guarantees, promising to protect merchants from fraudulent chargebacks. However, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of chargeback guarantees and their limitations. In this article, we will explore the concept of chargeback guarantees, delve into their benefits and drawbacks, and shed light on the strategies merchants can employ to maximize fraud protection.

What is a Chargeback Guarantee?

A chargeback guarantee is a service provided by third-party vendors that protects merchants against the financial impact of chargebacks. These guarantees typically involve reimbursement for chargeback-related losses or the assumption of liability for chargeback disputes.

The specific guarantee terms and reimbursement procedures will vary between providers, but typically, a chargeback guarantee will only cover certain types of chargeback, as determined by their reason codes, that the provider’s solution is designed to prevent.

In other words, a chargeback guarantee offered by an anti-fraud provider will only cover true fraud chargebacks, not chargebacks related to merchant error.

If a merchant discovers that they have been hit with a chargeback covered under the guarantee, they should be able to submit information and documents about that chargeback to the provider and receive reimbursement within a short timeframe.

What are the Downsides of Chargeback Guarantees?

Fraud filters and similar anti-fraud tools and services can be very effective at blocking risky-looking transactions. The problem is that a lot of these transactions are actually valid orders from legitimate customers.

False positives are the biggest problem with the current generation of anti-fraud solutions, with some analysts projecting merchants will collectively lose $443 billion in revenue this year due to erroneously rejected transactions.

fraud Prevention- Proven Strategies to prevent e-commerce fraud Using fraud filters cost-effectively means constantly reviewing and adjusting their settings to ensure they aren’t blocking your valid customers, and subjecting rejected orders to manual review to further minimize the rejection rate.

Chargeback guarantees create some perverse incentives with respect to false positives, where it can become more profitable for the vendor to accept a high rate of false positives in order to keep the chargeback rate as low as possible. This may suit their business goals, but it’s costing the merchant sales.

While most reputable vendors will make a good faith effort to strike a reasonable balance between minimizing chargebacks and accepting some degree of risk, there’s no getting around the fact that there can be a see-saw effect between these two objectives.

It’s also worth considering that few vendors are going to be willing to lose significant amounts of revenue by honoring their guarantees, and that the costs of their chargeback guarantees may be reflected in their fees and pricing structure.

Most importantly, however, merchants must bear in mind that a chargeback that you get reimbursed for still counts as a chargeback in the eyes of the banks and card networks.

Even when covered under a chargeback guarantee, your true fraud chargebacks will cause your fraud and chargeback ratios to increase, which can cause you to be classified as a “high-risk” merchant and subjected to various fraud and chargeback mitigation plans.

The worst case scenario when your chargeback rate stays too high for too long is that you end up losing your merchant account and getting blacklisted from opening a new one. Only by preventing these chargebacks in the first place can outcomes like this be avoided—getting reimbursed for the lost revenue won’t help you here.

Maximizing Fraud Protection in E-commerce 

While chargeback guarantees can provide a safety net, merchants should adopt a comprehensive approach to fraud prevention to safeguard their businesses. Here are some strategies to consider:

BNPL E-GuideRobust Fraud Detection and Prevention Systems

Implementing effective fraud detection software can help identify and prevent fraudulent transactions proactively. Merchants should invest in reliable fraud prevention tools tailored to their business needs.

Data Analysis and Monitoring

Regularly analyzing transactional data and monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) can help identify potential fraud patterns and take preventive action promptly. Merchants should leverage data analytics to detect anomalies and suspicious activities.

Strengthening Authentication and Security Measures

Implementing multi-factor authentication, encryption protocols, and secure payment gateways can add an extra layer of protection against unauthorized transactions and data breaches.

Effective Customer Service and Dispute Resolution

Providing excellent customer service and resolving disputes promptly can help prevent chargebacks stemming from customer dissatisfaction or miscommunication. Merchants should prioritize clear communication channels and efficient dispute resolution processes.


For merchants who choose to outsource fraud and chargeback management, chargeback guarantees can provide some reassurance that they won’t lose money to an inadequate solution, but there’s no substitute for actual expertise when it comes to stopping chargebacks at their point of origin.

Merchants who are really struggling with revenue loss or a dangerously high chargeback rate may obtain the most benefit by engaging the services of a chargeback management firm that can address every potential source of chargebacks and come up with a comprehensive plan backed up by data analytics and years of experience.

The right firm will be able to deliver measurable results that have a direct impact on your chargeback rate and your bottom line.

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Chargebacks 101